Green Lawn

In the 1950’s, a beautiful and weed-free green lawn became the obsession of everyone with room for a lawn. The flawless green lawn became a status symbol of exterior decorating. Neighbors vied with one another to become the one with the greenest lawn in the neighborhood.
Pesticides and chemicals were snatched up with abandon in hopes of perfecting the ultimate green lawn. I remember my grandparents using chlordane as their primary weed choker and all-purpose panacea to ails of the garden. Their lawn, incidentally, was greener than green!
During the 70’s and 80’s, we became increasingly aware of the dangers of using chemical agents. However, we were already addicted to that beautiful green lawn. Some simply ignored the situation as an unproven danger.
Today, with clear environmental threats, the green lawn solution deserves a closer look.
Let’s look at the four tips below. None are difficult. Just perform them consistently and thoroughly.
1.Watering: Water is essential to a lush green lawn. Never water during the heat of the day. You’ll get scorching of the tender green blades and waste water. It’s best to water deeply in the very early morning. If you’re not an early riser, get a timer. Early morning watering allows deep saturation with plenty of moisture. An evening watering schedule invites the risk of molds and fungus taking hold, especially where nights are cool.
2.Weeding: Weeds are the perpetual bane of the perfect green lawn. Reach a compromise between perfect and just about perfect by keeping your lawn cut regularly to about three inches. This prevents the weeds from forming seed, and tends to stunt their vigor.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s beneficial to leave grass clippings on the lawn. If you’re cutting regularly, clippings form a thin mulch of rapidly composted and nitrogen-fixing energy, giving nourishment to your green lawn while helping to suppress weed growth. A thin but regular mulch will pay dividends in your quest for the greenest of green lawns.
3. Fertilizing: When fall approaches and cooler days prevail, fertilize. Nourish the soil, not the grass! Mulches of composted or shredded leaves may be applied thinly, on a weekly basis until the rainy season. Then leave it be! Earthworms let loose on the lawn will burrow into the soil, loosening hardened soil for a fresh spring growth of green lawn.
4.Seeding: Include this in your fall chores. Seed before mid-September for healthy root development before winter. Commercial products that include seed and mulch in a single application, make this task convenient. If you dislike the expense, consult your nurseryman for seed recommendations suitable to your area, and mulch as described above.
If you are diligent in the performance of these simple tasks, you’ll be rewarded with a environmentally friendly green lawn and minimal maintenance.